You know that feeling when someone jumps out on you. When you are minding your own business, happily working through your 'to do' list and BAM! The email from your Line Manager comes in, the one where they tell you its time for a mid year review, and you and your colleague give each other that sideward glance (or send a relevant emoji on chat) that says 'What mid year review!'
Although not entirely based upon true events, many of us will have encountered that moment where all of a sudden our performance is under review. When all of a sudden we have that prickly feeling of 'who's watching'.
The reality is, as a Line Manager reviewing performance is a key part of our role. We are in a position where we are constantly in the managing business performance vs providing employee support hokey cokey and of course the success of one is linked to the other.
No one, not even employees, will argue that reviews have to happen. But what we sometimes find is that the way that they are delivered just doesn't hit the mark and when this happens, both Line Manager and Employee come away feeling frustrated (Cue more emojis and Giffs shared to work colleague).
So, as a Line Manager what can you do? You could have your mid year and annual appraisal dates booked in the diary in advance. You could even share the forms so the employee is super prepared. But is that enough, is it really enough?
The response is a big fat no. Because research tells us that the more frequently we communicate with our employees about progress, about performance, about their hopes, dreams and frustrations, the more engaged they will be. And, if we put aside the fact they will be far more productive, it also demonstrates they are worth more than just a structured chat twice a year where you review them against objectives they didn't even know existed.
Lets not discount the fact that the formality of mid and annual reviews works well for lots of organisations, but, let's also not view this as a standalone process. Instead let's view this as ongoing dialogue that builds trust, relationships and transparency between Line Managers and Employees.
So, if its not what you do, but the way that you do it, how can you get results?
Feedback (good, bad and indifferent) is better given at the time. If your employees are smashing it - tell them.
If things could be better - tell them. You wouldn't wait 6 months to say thank you for a kind gesture, you do it in the moment. So be present, don't wait.
Although you may have a formal process to follow, think about the frequency of your informal catch ups too. Monthly 121's can be a real winner. A regular check in that focuses on the short term and reviews the longer term progress can be a real boost. Issues can be nipped, success can be celebrated.
A Line Managers work is never done (or so they say!) but when spending time with employees be sure to stop. In preparation for your 121s really allow yourself the time to do so. No meetings just before, no shooting off to one straight after. Just stop. Remember, reviewing performance isn't based solely on one day, one project or one event, ensure you look at the employee performance as a whole. Lastly, 121's are a dialogue not a monologue, its a time for your employee to share their thoughts as much as yours.
Creating a culture of conversation throughout the year can build the foundations of a trusted Line Manager/Employee relationship. Then when those formal review windows do come around, the positive and engaging way that we done them, becomes just the way we continue to do it (and thats what gets results).
As well as HR support, we offer line manager training through Park Beats. Take a look at how we can help you today.